Success story: Mannie, 22

My motivation
Health reasons, conscious of smelling of smoke and skin damage awareness

Previous smoking habit
Used to smoke 5 cigarettes a day

Nicorette Quitting Product of choice
Nicorette QuickMist SmartTrack
‘The best thing about quitting is the fact that I didn’t have to worry about being reliant on something to calm me down whenever I get stressed or anxious'.

Mannie's Quit Smoking Story

The best thing about quitting is the fact that I didn’t have to worry about being reliant on something to calm me down whenever I get stressed or anxious.

My name is Mannie and I am from Nottingham. I first started smoking around the first year o A Levels. At the time too a lot of my friends also smoked, so I’d obviously go out with them when they went for cigarettes and then eventually, I just started smoking every single time, so, I realised that at that point I was also a smoker. A few months into lockdown where I was really starting to like, I wouldn’t say a chain-smoke but I was smoking a lot more than I have been. I’m working as a makeup artist as well, I know the smoking is not something that is good for your skin in the slightest, so, I thought you know what I’m going to quit fully. After looking online, I came across Nicorette Quickmist SmartTrack. The fact that the app logs everything for you, just a simple tap of the spray to the back of the phone was something that I really liked. Say for example you are out and about in public and you get craving for cigarette, you can just open up the app, look over the progress you have made and that’s a nice reminder to tell yourself you know why you stopped in the first place. Since giving up the smoking, I have definitely noticed an overall improvement in my health. Even when I come out with my dog, I have noticed that it takes me a lot longer to get out of breath, which she definitely appreciates. I definitely recommend it to anyone trying to quit smoking.

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